Ottawa Sun reviews Tiesto

From the Ottawa Sun:

It was certainly a spectacle of sound and fury, dazzling strobe lights and rib-rattling bass. His re-imagining of Gotye’s Somebody That I Used to Know was wonderfully warped in its excess.

But — and forgive my profound ignorance — I couldn’t help thinking the desired effect could be achieved a whole lot easier by just tossing on a Tiesto CD at full volume while bouncing around in headphones and twiddling knobs.

Oh well, judging by the hordes of beautiful people pumping their fists in glowing affection, he was pushing all the right buttons.

Please stick to reviewing a genre of music that you enjoy rather than debasing mine.

(Source: Ottawa Sun)

P.S. Check out image 24 out of 30, if you were around that area yesterday you knew exactly who that guy was.