INK lawyer "demands a full retraction and an apology" from Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti

Ink Entertainment, the organizers of the Veld Music Festival, responded to Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti's comments by threatening legal action if he doesn't offer a "full retraction and an apology" by Thursday evening. On August 5th, Toronto City Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti wrote that "I suggest that we revisit whether or not INK Entertainment should be getting approvals and permits ever again." For those who did not read the Councillor's original statements since the unfortunate death of 2 people from last weekend's Veld Music Festival, you can read it below: 

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was quoted in the following video:

 "I'm not going to sit here and ban every concert and every festival, or we wouldn't have the vibrant city that we have. As the Mayor of the city, I think the festivals are healthy"

(VIA 680 News)

According to a letter obtained by the Toronto Star, INK lawyer James Zibarras wrote the following: 

“Your irresponsible actions do very little to serve the public and have, in addition, now exposed the taxpayers of Toronto (and you) to the expense of a large and costly lawsuit which it can ill afford,”

To read the full article, click here

Bonus: If you want to get a background on the current political debate surrounding electronic dance music in Toronto, the Toronto Star also published a fantastic piece about the topic, written by Ben Rayner who was active during the early 2000s when the City of Toronto instituted a ban on parties on city properties. Click here to read it now.

Watch Toronto's Mayor Rob Ford create a beat

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford recently supported #TeamTO's SXSW fundraiser by being a good sport and going on stage to create a beat courtesy of the Toronto Beat Academy. Watch: 

Here's a better view of the Mayor making a beat on a MIDI pad controller with a little help from Memorecks: 

This is great stuff.